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Disinfectant with the environment in mind. GE Fight Bac RTU kills over 99.9% of bacteria and viruses in 3 to 5 minute contact time. Formulated with a botanical active ingredient, citric acid, and free from harsh chemicals, this product provides superior disinfection and meets the EPA�s Design for the Environment standards.Order GE Fight Bac RTU Today! Click Here to Request List N Product Information
AREAS OF USE: Hospitals, Kitchens, Bathrooms, Health Care Facilities, Medical Offices, Day Care Centers, Schools, Nursing Homes, Grocery Stores. TYPES OF SURFACES: On washable hard non-porous surfaces of doors, walls, fixtures, metal, stainless steel, glazed porcelain and glazed ceramic tile, vinyl, plastic, and glass. This includes infant care equipment, kitchen surfaces, wrestling mats, computer surfaces and keyboards. For plastic and painted surfaces, spot test on an inconspicuous area before use. Not recommended for unpainted wood or natural marble or brass.
DIRECTIONS FOR USE: It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Product is ready to use. DO NOT DILUTE. Preclean areas with gross filth and visible soil prior to disinfection. TO CLEAN: Apply undiluted to hard, non-porous surfaces by spraying, wiping with a cloth or towel until clean. TO SANITIZE for food contact sanitization: Wet the surface. Let stand for 60 seconds on hard, non-porous, surfaces. Wipe or let air dry. No rinsing or wiping is required. TO DISINFECT: Apply this product to hard, non-porous surfaces with a cloth, mop or brush, or by immersing equipment to be disinfected. Wet all surfaces thoroughly. The surface must remain visibly wet for at least 5 minutes. Wipe or let air dry. FUNGICIDAL DIRECTIONS: This product is effective against Trichophyton interdigital athlete's foot fungus and a cause of ringworm) on inanimate surfaces. Follow disinfection directions. DECONTAMINATION OF CRITICAL OR SEMI-CRITICAL DEVICES PRIOR TO TERMINAL STERILIZATION/HIGH LEVEL DISINFECTION: This product is not to be used as a terminal sterilant/high level disinfectant on any surface or instrument that (1) is introduced directly into the human body, either into or in contact with the bloodstream or normally sterile areas of the body, or, (2) contacts intact mucous membranes but which does not ordinarily penetrate the blood barrier or otherwise enter normally sterile areas of the body. This product may be used to preclean or decontaminate critical or semi-critical medical devices prior to sterilization or high-level disinfection. KILLS HIV ON PRE-CLEANED ENVIRONMENTAL SURFACES/OBJECTS PREVIOUSLY SOILED WITH BLOOD/BODY FLUIDS in all settings in which there is an expected likelihood of soiling of hard, non-porous surfaces/objects with blood or body fluids and in which the surfaces/objects likely to be soiled with blood or body fluids can be associated with the potential for transmission of human immunodeficiency virus Type 1 (HIV-1) (associated with AIDS virus).SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR CLEANING AND DECONTAMINATING SURFACES/OBJECTS SOILED WITH BLOOD AND BODY FLUIDS WHICH MAY CONTAIN HIV-1 (AIDS VIRUS). PERSONAL PROTECTION: When handling objects soiled with blood or body fluids use disposable latex gloves, gowns, mask and eye coverings. CLEANING PROCEDURE: Blood and other body fluids must be thoroughly cleaned from surfaces and objects before before application of the disinfectant. CONTACT TIME: DO NOT DILUTE. Precleaned surfaces must remain visibly wet for five minutes using mop, cloth or sponge to mitigate HIV-1 virus. Use a 5-minute contact time to kill all bacteria, viruses and fungi listed on the label. Contact time in accordance with organism listed on the label.
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