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- Availability:In Stock
- Stock #:39080
- Description:
Recommended for maintaining high gloss on finished floors. When used as directed, it will thoroughly wet, emulsify and suspend soil from highly polished floor surfaces without attacking the gloss of the floor. Super concentrated, this product provides a low end-use cost per gallon.
This product is for mopping or autoscrubbing finished floors. This detergent concentrate should always be diluted with water as follows: Dilute with cold water only. Dilute 0.5 oz./gal. or 4 mL/L (1:256) with water. Improper use or dilution of this product may affect cleaning performance, result in excess waste or may damage surfaces also may increase risk of health effects. Please consult your local solid waste agency, drain commissioner, or water quality contact for determination on appropriate disposal of unused material. Please recycle empty containers.
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